Every place is also another
Laura Camino
Todos os lugares son tamén outro
por iso sostés a miña man de arxila limpa neste soto
e os nosos corpos espidos de fronteiras inabarcables
cinguen xuntos un desexo de fuxida cara adiante
como unha flor de liño branco que medra vizosa en territorio ignoto
porque detrás de nós…que é o que queda?
unha esperanza.
Every place is also another
that's why you hold my clean clay hand in this basement
and our naked bodies of unfathomable borders
embrace together a desire to flee onwards
like a white linen flower growing vigorous in unknown territory
because behind us...what's left?
a hope.
Written on the occasion of Every place is also another, a two-person exhibition by Mar Ramón Soriano and Paul Mok at Yi Gallery in July, 2023. The title of the exhibition is inspired by Every Place Is Also Another, a poem by Maureen N. McLane, From What You Want.
Laura Camino (b. Spain, 1989) is a classical philologist and literary scholar, specialized in gender studies. She is fortunate to have been born among the rice fields of the Valencian Albufera and to have been raised by the Atlantic Ocean, in Galicia, and thus to be able to communicate in two languages. Her poems in Galician can be read in the collective book De pedra a azulexo and in the magazine Dorna. In Spanish, she has published in the Uruguayan magazine Casapaís.
Installation view: Every place is also another, Yi Gallery, 2023
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