In her work, Kang explores her feeling of being marginal, living between and attempting to painfully bridge two cultural realities. Kang created the 'Line-Drawing I' series as an experiment to...
In her work, Kang explores her feeling of being marginal, living between and attempting to painfully bridge two cultural realities. Kang created the "Line-Drawing I" series as an experiment to visualize her impossible attempt to reconnect two broken pieces: "These bricks were found abandoned on the ground outside my studio building and a hardware store. I broke each of these building blocks into two pieces to recreate an identity as a being broken into two pieces rather than a brick, and I painted them white to match the table and the rest of the studio space as a means of creating a blank space to draw lines. The line drawing (with wires in the space in between) as my reconnecting gesture was just fragile and ended in failure, allowing me to move onto the 2-dimensional space, the photograph of the brick pieces above."